I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class. 227. I put on 11 lbs in about 8 weeks, which...

Tomorrow makes 3 weeks out from the XPC Finals. I can honestly say I have never felt this strong in my life. I have trained much smarter over the last year, and it...

https://youtu.be/Ap2PgasS_Ag?list=UUA0Jl9uBlRJgc15XZkcz6XA I'm continuing with the sumo pulling after experiencing very little discomfort after last week's session. I'm happy with most everything so far, but I need to fix my elbows before I mess up...

I’m training for the XPC Finals at the Arnold Sports Festival® March, 7, 2015.  I’ll be competing as a 242lb raw lifter looking to improve my best meet lifts of 575, 430 and...

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