11 Feb Team Samson Powerlifting- Squat suit, check. Driggers… Check. 2/06-2/10 Training.
[wa-wps]Adam Driggers is keeping his retirement casual by still out-lifting active lifters on occasion. Channing Doyle is currently in meet prep mode for the raw portion of the Arnold. Shane Ford is recovering from a back injury, while trying to be less fat.
This past week was a week where things didn’t necessarily come together so everyone could come in everyday and train. Adam runs a school, Channing is active duty Navy, and Shane works an abnormal schedule. We do make sure that we get the work in, for the most part, in addition to our life’s obligations. That’s the beauty of the 10/20/Life principals. They are easily manipulated to fit life’s crazy schedules. Any how, on to the training!
Adam Driggers 2/06- Squat
This week was a unique one at the gym for the teammates doing the Arnold. It was a week where the guys hit a “heavy” deload. So, that being said, Adam jumped in some Inzer Predator briefs, and later into the Leviathan Ultra pro, hitting 645 lbs in the briefs and 745 lbs in full gear.
2/08- Work!
All I got as far as training footage goes, from Adam was his squats. So , I asked him earlier in the day what he did on Monday in regards to training. Sometimes, when one of us misses a training session, we make it up, at Adam’s gym, or whatever commercial location we have a membership to. Me, thinking that was the case, just so I could add a little more to out log this week, asked. Here’s how it went…
Me: Hey man, what did you do on Monday? I’m just going to mention it in the log.
Adam: Well, I worked 14 hours and managed to stay stronger than most humans and several large animals.
Well… There you have it folks. Adam’s 14 hour Monday training session.
Shane Ford 2/06- Squat
Continuing to work on conditioning, Shane’s training follows the standard template, except for the addition of many more sets. Worked up to 2 top sets of 420 lbs for 4 reps. After the back injury we are about 60 lbs behind his last offseason cycle. Not bad for missing almost 3 months.
2/08- Bench
Still trying to work on his bench by adding volume, things are going pretty well. Worked up to 255 lbs for 8 sets of 4. Things didn’t start slowing down until sets 5 and 6.

Team Samson Powerlifting

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