
I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class. 227. I put on 11 lbs in about 8 weeks, which...

Tomorrow makes 3 weeks out from the XPC Finals. I can honestly say I have never felt this strong in my life. I have trained much smarter over the last year, and it... I'm continuing with the sumo pulling after experiencing very little discomfort after last week's session. I'm happy with most everything so far, but I need to fix my elbows before I mess up...

I’m training for the XPC Finals at the Arnold Sports Festival® March, 7, 2015.  I’ll be competing as a 242lb raw lifter looking to improve my best meet lifts of 575, 430 and...

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