
I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class. Week 8 Squat 1. Squat 5x3@415,445,475,505,505 2. 2 count Pause Squats 3x3@445 3. Single leg...

Time to put up or shut up! I fly out to Columbus on 3/4 on the same flight as several of the 10/20/Life crew. To say I am excited would be an understatement....

By: Brian Carroll 1. They have no mentors in their life or the ones they have are idiots; your average gym bro, a clueless high school coach, etc. Most athletes that are successful have...

I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class. Week 8 Bench 1. Bench Touch and go 5x3@305,325,340,355,355 (failed on 3rd rep) 2. Paused...

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