I'm currently training to make my comeback to the platform at the XPC finals, at the Arnold Classic. Along the way I'll be doing Dan Dalenberg's push/pull meet as a tune-up, this January.   Tuesday...

Have you ever wondered what you'll be doing in the gym when you are done competing? This is what retired powerlifters do between sets. But when I'm not in the rocker: Pull Ups: 8,6,6 Rows: 225 x 12...

https://youtu.be/yE85gdeILHA?list=UUA0Jl9uBlRJgc15XZkcz6XA Flat Bench: 365 x 5 for 3 sets Incline DBs: 70 x 12 for 3 sets Flyes: 40 x 12 for 3 sets Tate Presses: 40 x 12 doe 3 sets Rope Press-downs: 75 x 12 for 3 sets...

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