It was time for me to deload on the bench this week, it makes me sad just like Hercules in the picture. Of course he was mad that I wouldn't share my food...

Brian Carroll's 10/20/Life and Paul Carter's Lift-Run-Bang Team up! SEMINAR NEWS!!! January 17th and 18th 2015 Madtown Fitness in Madison Wisconsin Address: 802 Stewart St, Madison, WI 53713 Phone:(608) 270-9606 What will be covered: -Offseason training for mass -Correcting weaknesses in...

Training for RUM 8 on February 8th. I will be lifting on the wrapped/monolift day, hoping to post another 2000+ raw total.  Warm Up Goblet squats, curls, pec flyes McGill 3 Hip and pec stretching Training Squat- 50% x...

Brian Carroll's 10/20/Life and Paul Carter's Lift-Run-Bang Team up! SEMINAR NEWS!!! January 17th and 18th 2015 Madtown Fitness in Madison Wisconsin Address: 802 Stewart St, Madison, WI 53713 Phone:(608) 270-9606 What will be covered: -Offseason training for mass -Correcting weaknesses in...

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