I recently competed at the RPS US Open in April 2016 where I totaled 903 raw with wraps at 114lbs.  I am currently getting ready for the RPS meet in Fort Meyers on...

I recently competed at the RPS US Open in San Diego, CA where I totaled 903lbs raw in wraps at 114lbs.  I am currently in offseason with plans of doing a multiply meet...

I recently competed at the RPS US Open where I totaled 903lbs raw in wraps at 114lbs. I am currently in offseason with plans to compete in a multiply meet in the fall. [wa-wps] I...

I recently competed at the RPS US Open where I totaled 903lbs at 114lbs Raw with wraps.  I am currently in offseason with plans of doing a multiply meet in October/November. [wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BFuecDqGHuB/?taken-by=mrsgoogs Goal this week...

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