I just finished a very poor showing at the Battle of the boardwalk in NJ where I bombed on the squat. I’m currently dialing in my squat technique and will stay in some...

Currently in off-season mode. Spending a few weeks eating a little better and improving my conditioning before diving into a full-fledged off-season training cycle. Enjoying the mental and physical break. Scott Paltos is...

I have 3 rules at my gym. #1 and most important, don't be stupid.  Pretty self explanatory.  Don't be an idiot.  Rule #2 is to have a plan.  If I don't have a...

Filipe Gusmão and Shane Ford are currently 4 weeks out from the RPS South Florida Conquest and Adam Driggers is pushing up his raw bench and squat numbers.  The Team Samson compound has been...

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