Squats on Saturday went well. Goal was to put something heavy on my back and get accustom to the heavy loads in gear again. Most lifters need to ease in and get adjusted...

Saturdays squat/ deadlift day went well. I decided to go ahead and put on my suit for a set. I did this in the hopes to get accustom to being in gear again...

Currently I am 11 weeks out of the WPC Worlds where I am doing bench only, and am an alternate for the full power event. I am going to treat my meet prep...

I was really fired up to train today because I thought I was going to squat and dead heavy again, but alas, when I looked at the program for the day I saw...

Training is back in full swing, as well is the school year. The first two weeks of both have been pretty successful. Monday's Bench: The goal was to work some 3 board to...

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