Well the Arnold has come and gone. There was some good, and some bad, but always fun! [wa-wps] I started my weight cut from 292, which isnt too bad to make it down to 275....

By Admin/PowerRackStrength It’s Arnold week and Team PRS is coming in strong with 8 lifters competing, all with either pro raw or multi-ply totals. Check out who’s competing in the XPC Finals. [wa-wps] Dan Dalenberg Dan is a veteran...

I am currently in pre-contest mode for the XPC Finals at the Arnold where I will be competing in multi-ply division. [wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BQvHjPLBXKO/?taken-by=mrsgoogs https://www.instagram.com/p/BQxok2EhbpT/?taken-by=mrsgoogs Had to move my training days around this week as I went down...

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