
I’m currently training for the RPS Redemption Meet in Ft. Myers May 30th.  Goals for this meet are to improve my 242 w/wraps total of 1550 via 550, 425, 575. Team Samson had a...

Currently in offseason mode, rebuilding up to the 250s and working towards the Atlantic City RPS/XPC meet on August 29th.  Moved my usual Monday training back to Saturday this week. I was lifting at a drop in training day that was raising money for my friend Bobby Faber and his family so decided to rearrange my week to lift at that.

I've spent the last few weeks trying to push my squat back up in spite of a nagging hip injury. I'm close to the 620 that hurt me months ago. This week I...

By: Danny Vega This has been done ad nauseam, even by members of my team. But I figured I’d share what has worked for me. I am satisfied with all the meets I have...

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